Honorary Members


Honorary Members 

of the Chamber of Auditors of Azerbaijan Republic


Full Name

 Professional activity

Samedzade Ziyad Aliabbas oglu 

Председатель Союза Экономистов Азербайджана, Депутат Милли Меджлиса, академик

Gasimov Suleyman Mehrali oglu

Vice President of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic

Abbasov Ibad Musa oglu

Rector of Baku Business University

Abbasov Gazanfar Ali oglu

Professor of the "Accounting" Department of 
the Azerbaijan State Economic University

Bagirov Damet Abbas oglu

Vice-rector of the Azerbaijan State Economic University

Hasanov Jafar Ismail oglu

Auditor of the Accounts Chamber of Azerbaijan Republic

Huseynov Farhaddin Abulqasim

Director of  "LŞ Audit" LLC

Ion Horia Neamtu

Honorary President of the Romanian Chamber of Financial Auditors

Koshkimbaev Sapar Haysakhanovich

President of the Chamber of Auditors of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Ganizade Ramiz Tofigi

Head of the department of the Accounts Chamber of  Azerbaijan Republic

Namazova Dzhamilya Bayramali gizi

Professor of the "Economic Analysis and Audit" Department of
the Azerbaijan State Economic University

Rahimova Nigar Mamed gizi

Member of the Chamber of Auditors of  Azerbaijan Republic

Ruf Alexander Leopoldovich

President of the Russian Collegium of Auditors

Sabzaliev Sifariz Mirzakhan oglu

Head of the «Accounting» Department of the Azerbaijan State Economic University


Yakovenko Dmitry Anatolyevich

President of the Samara National Institute of Professional Accountants, 
Financial Managers and Economists


Zulfugarzade Rza Aliskander oglu

Member of the EU representation in Azerbaijan

Kerimov Gudret Osman oglu

Deputy Chairman of the Council of Entrepreneurs under the President of  
Azerbaijan Republic, Chairman of «Khazar» OJSC

Musayev Mamed Gurban oglu

President of the National Confederation of 
Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of Azerbaijan Republic

Guliyev Eldar Allahyar oglu

Rector of the Azerbaijan University of Cooperation, deputy

Rusiashvili Giorgi

Executive Director of the Federation of Accountants, 
Auditors and Financial Managers of Georgia

Scekic Rade

Executive Director of the Institute of Accountants and Auditors of Montenegro

Mehmet Timur 

Former President of the Union of Chambers
of Treasury Consultants and Treasurer of Turkey

Mirzaev Safa Abbas

Head of the Office of the Milli Mejlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Sheremet Anatoly Danilovich 

President of Self-Regulatory Organization of Auditors Association “Содружество” (SRO AAS), Russian Federation

Yuri Dolidze 

 Head of the Service for Accounting, Reporting and Auditing Supervision of the Georgia (SARAS)

Muradov Adalat Jalal 

Rector of Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC), professor                        

Mohbaliyev Sattar Suliddin 

The chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation, deputy of Milli Majlis

Nuriyev Zakir Alibala 

President of the Azerbaijan Banks Association

Samadzade Elshad Ziyad 

Deputy Chairman of the Union of Economists of Azerbaijan

Novruzova Nuriya Zakir 

President of the Association of Azerbaijan Professional Financial  Managers   

Shahbazova Gunay Fizuli 

Chairman of the Board Azerbaijan Association of Accountants and Risk Professionals

Yahya Arikan

General Secretary of the Union of Chambers of Certified Public Accountants Turkey (TÜRMOB)

Khoruzhiy Lyudmila Ivanovna 

President of the Institute of Professional Accountants and Auditors of Russia, professor

Kucheryabenko Nikolay Petrovich 

Kucheryabenko Nikolay Petrovich - First Vice-President of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of law sciences, professor

Tulakhodjayeva Minovar Makhkamovna 

Chairman of the National Association of Accountants and Auditors of Uzbekistan

Georgeta Covaliov- Rusu 

President of the Association of Professional Accountants and Auditors of the Republic of Moldova

Tarasevich Olga Akimovna

Deputy Minister of Finance of the Republic of Belarus

Kozyrev Igor Alexandrovich

Chairman of the Board of the Self-regulatory Organization of Auditors of the “Sodruzhestvo” Association of the Russian Federation

Farrukh Rehman 

President of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP)

Ali Latif

Council Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP)

Olga Nosova 

General Director of the Self-Regulatory Organization of Auditors Association “Sodruzhestvo”

Ingrida Puriene

Vice President of Lithuanian Chamber of Auditors

Akan Arystan 

Executive director of Chamber of Auditors of the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Makhammad Botirov 

Chairman of Chamber of Auditors of the Fergana Region of Uzbekistan

Tata Beridze Director General of the Association of Accountants of Georgia